“考完阅读感觉近视加深了一百度 ”
“首考自闭 把我杀了给老师助兴吧”
“阅读交卷的时候有一种想冲出考场的冲动,第一篇就乱了 ”
“今天的题真的是太魔鬼了,匹配匹配匹配你个鬼啊 ”
“今天的题不配热搜吗 考了几次 这是头一次我关注的所有雅思公众号团结一致的发这次很难... ”
“阅读最后一篇 判断全写了yes 人物匹配全B million那个题全选C
这样懵下来 我的时间蛮够的 “
听力慢是慢,但招招致命,阅读p3直接难拉了,这难度不值得一个热搜吗 ,加把劲吧,下次再见~
17-20 多选
17-18 B D
19-20 B D21 steam engine 配 too difficult22 breakfast cereal 配 cheap23 bounce balls 配 easy to understand24 paper making 配 very boring25 Tie water experiment 配 take longer time than usual26 extract glue from milk 配 immediate result
Passage3: 人类语言进化gh synesthesia is abnormal ... 28 配 hearing functions in the same significance as vision
29 配 someone could associate the instrument with color30 配 synesthesia could have a consistent association between...31 配 P1
32 配 P2
33 配 P6
34 配 P6
35 配 P3
36-40 判断
36 T
37 F
38 NG
39 T
40 T
Music has always been and continues to be the universal language of mankind. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(*以上考试回忆内容整理自网络及雅思考生)
