雅思口语Part 1 Home Country。其实这组题目难度并不大,但是在学生们的实际学习中,很多人都表示这个题目不好回答,这里我们就为大家分享一些高分语句以及短语,帮助同学们更好的组织自己的语言,帮助自己在这一题目中取得比较好的分数!
中国这么大,选择自然很多。不过除了讲工作/发展机会意外以外,也可能是那个地方的气候、饮食、生活节奏、风景等等吸引了你,所以你想去那个地方生活、居住。另外呢,虽然是说want to live in, 也并不是说你一定要在那儿定居嘛!不同季节想待在不同的地方也是很正常的呀。类似地,你在自己的家乡土生土长,自然对这片土地爱得深沉,亲人朋友也都在这里,那可能也希望长久在这里生活、工作吧……
1、Cosmopolitan cities like Beijing and Shanghai have so much to offer - bettermoney-making opportunities, business opportunities, reliable transport links,vibrant nightlife and
mouth-watering food.
cosmopolitan city 国际化大都市
money-making opportunities 挣钱的机会
reliable 可靠的
vibrant 充满活力的夜生活
mouth-watering food 令人垂涎欲滴的食物
2、For those who’ve got tired of the craziness of bustling cities, it would be ideal for them to return to the simplicity of the small town life. Dali seems a good choice. It’s a place
where people can get away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the appeal of the old town. Besides, its climate is generally mild, withunbroken sunshine and fresh air. That is to say, for those who dislike wrapping up warm in bitter winter or for those who can’t stand the sweltering heat in summer, Dali is a nice place to stay.
get tired of 厌烦了
bustling 忙碌的,熙熙攘攘的
simplicity 简单,朴实
get away from the hustle and bustle 逃离繁忙
unbroken sunshine 连续的晴天
wrap up warm 穿得暖和,裹得严实
sweltering heat 酷热
3、I was born and bred in an inland city. That’s why I always wish to live near the sea. Xiamen would be the best choice cos it’s a coastal town but it’s notscorching hot all year
round. And its spectacular scenery, beautiful tree-lined beaches and a fine mix of highlights fascinate me as well.
What I enjoy most about the city is that people here have a relaxed lifestyle. Then, it offers all kinds of food - for sure, they never fail to make my mouth water.
be born and bred 土生土长
inland city 内陆城市
coastal town 海滨城市
scorching hot 炎热的
highlight 亮点
fascinate 吸引
never fail to make one’s mouth water 让某人流口水
4、I’m a native of Chengdu. I’ve been living here for more than 30 years, so I don’t think I have a tendency to move to another city. My families are here and I have loads of
friends here. Migrating to another city means that I have to get used to a new environment, meet and establish new contacts, land on a new job, and things like that. It’s more like
starting over/afresh.
a native of … …土生土长的人,本地人
loads of 许多
have a tendency to 有倾向做……
get used to sth. 习惯某事
land on a new job 找份新的工作
start over / afresh 重新来过
以上就是环球教育小编为大家分享的雅思口语Part 1 Home Country的高分例句以及短语,希望能对大家有所帮助,最后希望大家都能屠鸭成功!
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