

雅思口语Part2话题 | 8分素材之一顿不寻常的饭

2023-02-17     环球教育

  01  Part2话题

  Describe an unusual meal you had

  You should say:

  When you had it?

  Where you had it?

  Whom you had it with?

  And explain why it was unusual?

  02  话题分析




      ✅ 参加聚会吃饭


      ✅ 吃饭发生的事情




  03  高分素材示例

  I remember having an unusual meal a few years ago while I was traveling in Vietnam. It was during the summer, and my friends and I had been exploring the country for about a

week. We decided to take a break from the heat and rest in a small town called Hoi An.

  One evening, we stumbled upon a street food market that was packed with locals and tourists alike. It was a vibrant and lively atmosphere, with stalls selling all sorts of delicious-looking dishes. We decided to try a few different things, including some grilled meat skewers and a bowl of pho.

  But the most unusual thing we had was something called "balut." It's a street food delicacy in Vietnam and other parts of Southeast Asia. It's basically a fertilized duck egg with a

partially developed embryo inside. The egg is boiled and then eaten, with the yolk and the embryo still inside.

  I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant to try it at first. It just seemed like such a strange and unfamiliar concept. But my friends encouraged me to give it a try, and I figured I was in

Vietnam, so I might as well embrace the local culture and try something new.

  To my surprise, it actually tasted pretty good! The yolk was rich and flavorful, and the embryo added a unique texture. It was a bit of a challenge to eat, as you have to crack open the

egg and then slurp up the contents, but it was worth it.

  Overall, it was definitely an unusual meal, but it was a fun and memorable experience. It reminded me to be open to trying new things, even if they may seem a little strange at first.



  stumble upon 偶然发现

  be packed with locals 挤满了当地人

  vibrant and lively atmosphere 充满活力、繁忙的氛围

  delicious-looking dishes 看上去很美味的菜肴

  grilled meat skewers 烤肉串

  a street food delicacy 街头美食

  embrace the local culture 接受当地的文化

  slurp up 吸食掉





上一篇:雅思口语1-4月Part2话题 | 8分素材之小组合作

下一篇:雅思口语Part2话题 | 8分素材之看见塑料废品


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