剑11 task 1题型分析
Test | 题目 | 题型 | 难度系数 |
TEST 1 | The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world. | 饼状图 | «««« |
TEST 2 | The chart below show the proportions of British students at one university in England who were able to speak other languages in addition to English ,in 2000 and 2010 | 饼状图 | ««« |
TEST 3 | The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007. | 线状图 | «« |
TEST 4 | The table below shows the numbers of visitors to Ashdown Museum during the year before and the year after it was refurnished. The charts show the result of surveys asking visitors how satisfied they were with their visit during the same two periods. | 混合图(表格+饼状图) | «« |
1. Test-1中的6个饼状图:相对考察有些复杂,跟剑桥雅思7中的4个饼状图的考察点基本相同(同是饼状图,但内部结构不同),这道题由于多了2个pie,因此要比剑桥7的难度提升。
2. Test-2中的2个饼状图:相对比较简单,写法和观察点跟剑桥8的3个饼状图相同。难度一般。
3. Test-3中的line chart的考点也是相对一般,整个图形跟剑桥7中的line chart相似度非常,而且时间轴都是过去时间段,跟剑桥雅思9中的101页的line chart相比过于单一和简单了一些。
4. Test-4中的混合图形,并无新意,2个饼状图的考察非常简单,而table中的数据太少,使得这道题目看起来相对简单很多,跟剑桥雅思8中的30页的题目的难易程度相当。
剑11 task 2题型分析
Test | 题目 | 话题类别 | 题型 | 难度系数 |
TEST 1 | Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? | 政府职能(市政建设) | 观点类(同不同意) | ««« |
TEST 2 | Some people claim that not enough of the wastes form homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste? | 政府职能(环境垃圾回收) | 观点类(同不同意) | «««« |
TEST 3 | Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language . Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. | 文化类(语言学习) | 观点类(双边讨论) | ««« |
TEST 4 | Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. | 政府职能(社会发展) | 观点类(双边讨论) | «««« |
从4个大作文的题目来看,一直延续的雅思考试最近几年的重点部分,观点类题型的相应考察,无论是一种观点的同不同意还是双边观点的各自讨论,在剑桥雅思11中都得到了体现(2:2), 但是从其出题的整个题目语言结构跟之前剑桥4-7相比,更符合现在考试的整体出题规律,比如rather than/ the only way/ the most important 等等这词汇,这是近几年雅思考试出题的语言趋势。因此可以说大作文的题目对练习来说,很有意义。
上一篇:雅思写作7分 l 必考话题怎么拿
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